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Saturday, November 30, 2013

Welcome to the Horsefly

We stayed at a place in Adamstown that rented a string of cottages with cute bug-like names, like Ladybug, but to protect myself from libel, I’ll just rename them to demonstrate how we felt about our stay there. The Horsefly and Stink Bug are side by side. Here they are from the back. Why from the back? You can’t easily take a shot from the front. You’ll see why soon.

The Horsefly is on top, in gold, and the green Stink Bug is on the bottom. Notice how crowded this neighborhood is. Once again, right in the middle of town, specifically at a four-way stop. Why this matters will also become apparent later. Behind me, not pictured, is the Dung Beetle, which holds huge groups of people come for antiquing. It's beyond popular here and we really had fun, but more on that later. Back to the Horsefly.

No, wait, back further, to the Hive, which is the main building where the office is. We had to find that in order to check in. Sam got us there, all right, but the driveway was straight up into a blind lot. I got out and Joyce did it. She's very good at driving straight up. Just leans on the horn and guns it. Okay, glad I don't have to. So she gets out and heads for the office and I stay with the dogs. A minute later, she's back. "Gimme my cane. There are a lot of steps and no railings."

Since it was cool enough to leave the dogs, I went along to make sure she didn't kill herself. The place is on multiple levels with flagstones and concrete stairs and wooden stairs and the odd ramp. Okay, it's really beautifully kept, all of the properties in this little complex are gorgeous and dripping with antiques, which is very appealing, but no way of knowing you would have to be a rock climber to get in.

So we got in, and the woman, "Jane," immediately disappeared to send out the man, "Tarzan," who is very, outgoing, shall we say, loves to talk. Talk talk talk. Ramble on, expostulate, and he's nearly seven feet tall and has to duck under trees. Nice guy except he can be a little much. I started challenging him because he got on my nerves so much with his endless pushy restoration expertise, and Joyce said he didn't like it, wasn't used to that. Tough turtles. Don't try to intimidate me. I mean, maybe he wasn't even trying, he's probably just proud of all he's done with the place and wanted to make sure we were appropriately impressed , but I'm just like him; I push back.

After check-in, which was endless with paperwork, he directed us to the Horsefly and said he would meet us. I drove this time, and he came right after. That was how we learned we had to park in back and carry all our gear downhill through three levels of gardens on a rough path and steps with only one short railing. As soon as we got in the house we discovered both bedrooms and baths are on the second floor up a very steep, narrow and slippery flight of stairs. Well, we had already paid, so that was that. He helped us carry in all our stuff, all the way upstairs. Joyce, with the bad back and cane, could just about manage herself, so "Tarzan" and I schlepped back and forth for about half an hour. Once that was done, he left and we took the dogs for a long walk in the gardens.

However, we couldn't stay put because we were expecting my relatives from south Jersey the next day, and Joyce wanted to lay in some snacks and other supplies. We found a Mennonite market (has electicity) and stocked up on all kinds of local goodies, including a fresh-killed chicken which Joyce roasted that very night. If you give Joyce a kitchen, she will cook something in it. She makes complete meals of all kinds on trips, from the simplest to the most complex. We don't eat in restaurants much once she has herself a kitchen.

Next morning we got up early to make sure the place was all neat again after having moved in, which made it real handy that I was awake when my relatives started cancelling left and right. So many of them suddenly had to work at the last minute! Out of ten invited, three showed in the middle of the afternoon up by which time we had taken off our bras and left them on a chair in the living room, when they burst in the front door loaded down with goodies. Joyce grabbed her bra and took off for the kitchen to put it on while I'm standing there with mine in my hand, hugging and kissing everyone. We all pretended not to see it.

Because this house had comfortable seating and a great big TV, we could all easily chat in the living room and watch football at the same time. Each dog claimed a cousin and sat with them. It was funny. I can't show you the cousins, but here are the dogs and the nice gas fireplace which, unlike the Tsetse Fly, didn't try to kill us.

More on the amenities and surroundings in the next entry.

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