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Monday, May 19, 2014

More and more fun ruins and heat

First thing in the morning we took a boat ride, which provided another reminder that we weren't in Kansas anymore. First picture is the boat, a bamboo outrigger. Second picture is how to get on the boat, with the help of four guys.

The gentleman with the cane said no to that and spent the morning at the Inn. The rest of us were shown a lot of rocks, the concrete battleship, and coincidentally, the Enlisted Men's beach (there were no enlisted women on the island during the war) which was where Uncle Karl had his picture taken. As soon as I can I will upload the pictures from the war, and place them in this blog with the current shots. There are several like that.


Here's the view from inside the boat.




See? Genuine bamboo. We even saw a piece fall off. No one seemed to care.


Next stop, concrete battleship,  aka Fort Drum. which means it's an ARMY battleship. Why? you may ask. We all certainly did. I found a link that sort of explains it.


What it doesn't explain is why go to all that trouble instead of just building a permanent coast artillery installation as they had already done everywhere else? I never got the answer to that one.

After the morning's boat ride, we had lunch and then adjourned to the pool. Look! Here it is again! It's hard to see but the pool is actually tad-pole shaped like Corregidor itself. What an interesting idea!

They really should have kept the filter running but we were so hot we didn't care. Some of the tourists didn't remember their suits for the two-day jaunt, but I am one of those people who never goes anywhere without it, so I went in, and it was a good thing I could.  Those without suits waded. Well, first, I was passing out Off! and sun screen, and lost the little plastic Off! top. We looked everywhere. Moved all the furniture and dumped out our bags. I finally discovered it in my bathing suit.

While looking for it, my cousin Carol lost an earring. Finally discovered it at the bottom of the pool. I was able to retrieve it with my toes. Just about then, Carol couldn't figure out what became of her glasses. For the third time we moved all the furniture and looked in our suits, and of course, the pool. Finally someone suggested she retrace her steps and she tracked them down in a bush near where she had gone looking for coconuts.

After dinner there was a sunset excursion which was highly recommended, but only a few of us went. I did get some great pictures, but will only put a couple here.

And then it was time to pack and go to bed. We were off to see the very start of the Death March route in the morning.

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